
Please use the form below to submit your votes on the special resolution proposed at the Club's forthcoming EGM.

The information relevant to the resolution is set out in the  EGM Notice and Letter to Members.

EGM voting has now closed

Attendance and questions for the Board

If you wish to attend the EGM via Zoom, please click the button below. You can also ask questions of the Board ahead of the meeting if you wish.

As the EGM will shortly be taking place, it is no longer possible to register to attend or submit questions.

Member questions and answers from the Board

Squash Courts

1) As Brooklands going forward will be responsible for squash court maintenance does that mean that only Brooklands members will have access to the squash courts?

2) Will Brooklands members have to pay a fee to play on a court. If so how will that revenue be distributed?
3) Can you reassure Squash members that the courts will be maintained to an England Squash recognised standard which includes court heating?

The proposed position going forward is that Brooklands will retain responsibility for the running and maintenance of the squash courts. YHG do not intend that gym members will be offered use of the courts as part of their membership package, so only Brooklands members will have access to the courts.

We do not plan for booking fees to be charged by the Club. However, the Squash Committee may consider introducing them in the same way as the other sections charge match fees.

We are getting quotes for maintenance contracts for the courts. These will be shared with the Squash Committee to ensure that the arrangements are in line with England Squash recognised standards. We will discuss the question of a cleaning regime with YHG as part of the operating agreement covering the building. 

Will membership of the new operation entitle those members to use the squash courts, as DW members were previously entitled to do? If so, will there be any purpose in continuing Brooklands membership to those who join the new operation but only use their Brooklands membership to play squash? Will partners of Brooklands members be included in whatever membership discounts and priorities are offered to Brooklands members? 

Use of courts – see above

Incentives and benefits remain to be determined and agreed between BSC and YHG.


How will we receive profits from the sales of the bar, and what control will we have re menus etc. for teas for Hockey, cricket, tennis etc.

Responsibility for the bar will rest with the new operating company. Profits made will be part of the company profits which will accrue to the parties on a 50/50 basis.

The provision of teas for the sporting sections will be covered by the operating agreement between the Club and the new operating company. This will cover the need to provide teas and the pricing thereof. The food menu will be controlled as part of the agenda of the monthly management meetings

Please clarify bar pricing arrangements

Bar pricing will be covered in the operating agreement. This will aim to maintain the current policy of offering discount to Brooklands members, and ensuring that both premium and budget products are offered.


Who is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the driveway into the club grounds?

The issues which need addressing are:
Potholes in the driveway which need repairing.
The lighting along the driveway, which is currently inadequate.
The general appearance and cleanliness of the driveway and the car park area give a bad first impression to prospective new members and visitors.

The current state of repair of the car park and driveway is to be addressed by the new operating company as part of the initial upgrade work that is carried out on the property. The ongoing maintenance of the car park and driveway will be a shared responsibility of the Club and the new operating company.

What will happen to the grass courts?
Are membership subscriptions likely to rise?

The outdoor facilities, including the grass tennis courts will not be affected by this proposal.

By putting in place a new gym operator we will reduce the pressure on the Club’s finances and therefore reduce the need for unexpected increase in subscription rates. 


Will a discount be offered for Brooklands members wishing to join the gym organisation and vice versa? (I think this will be a good way of encouraging membership of both clubs.)

YHG are responsible for membership of the gym and we are responsible for membership of the club. It is understood that YHG are to offer an introductory rate for the first 750 gym members and will be offering “first refusal” to existing Brooklands members for this. Going forward, there is mutual benefit to both YHG and the club in growing both clubs and a degree of co-operation is hoped for.